
A healthy lifestyle

In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle it is important to sleep well and regain energy and strength for the next day. During puberty, many adolescents prefer going to sleep later, even if they have to wake up early to go to school. They sleep more during the weekend to compensate for the lost hours of sleep during the week.

Are you in the same situation?

If you are, it is important for you to know that having sleeping patterns that vary too much can desynchronise your biological clock. Since the quantity of sleep influences your focus, your processing speed, your attention, and your ability to control your emotions throughout the day, it is very important that you get a good night’s sleep every evening.

Do you try to sleep more but can’t?

Establishing a routine

During the day

Start by spending time outside during the day to take advantage of the sunlight, which can help stabilize your sleep cycle. You should also do some physical exercise during the day, but it is advisable not to exercise within 4 hours before sleeping. Avoid taking naps during the day and try to limit your coffee consumption. Find a balance in your evening eating habits. Too much or too little food can prevent you from sleeping. Abstain from smoking before bed because nicotine is a stimulant.

In the evening

Try to keep the same sleeping schedule (waking time and sleeping time) every day, even on the weekends. Before going to bed, rest for about an hour while listening to relaxing music or by reading a book in an environment with dimmed lights. Prior to that, you could take some time to think of things that are causing you stress and write them down in a journal in order to prevent them from bothering you while you are attempting to sleep. If you are often awakened by the need to go to the bathroom, make sure not to have any drinks after 6 p.m. Lastly, do not drink alcohol before going to bed because it will disturb your sleep.

Sleeping comfortably

To promote a good night’s sleep, try to always sleep at the same place and avoid switching between your room, your parents’ room, or the living room. Your room should be reserved for sleep and intimate/sexual relations. Do not engage in other activities such as watching TV. Avoid a noisy environment and keep your room at an agreeable temperature. Make sure that your mattress is comfortable and that your curtains keep the light out of your room. You can use earplugs or a mask if you are bothered by noises or light.